TL;DR; You don’t.
Where do I sign up for an MGO? Not here. Think of this web site as a cooking recipe. When you cook you don’t expect the recipe to come with all the ingredients and the kitchenware. The recipe is just a set of ideas using a shorthand one learns as you go along. This blog is the recipe not the kitchen or ingredients. That means you need to start an MGO by using available tools, just like in a kitchen. Maybe you need to buy some new pots and pans. Just like in a kitchen.
For example, how does one go about finding 30 people?
- Use a dating site that advertises the qualities expected.
- Use Craig’s List.
- Start a Discord server.
Now let us assume you’ve found your thirty people. What’s next. Well, you have 30 people so there should be no shortage of opinions so you’ll need to define rules, perhaps even write a constitution of sorts. This web site will help with ideas. I’m just getting started so currently the only ideas so far are to get a group of thirty people together, find a plot of land for 30 people to live on, and then build a community with one year’s worth of supplies to survive independent of humanity. Do you really need more than that to get started?
This is not a capitalist project. I’m not here to enrich myself. We already have a capitalist society. I suspect eventually demand for recipe ideas will outstrip my ability to document them with a full time job I currently have so eventually I plan to take membership fees with a total amount that will cap at my yearly salary now. Further the recipes will include software applications and when we get there membership spending will grow so as to hire more software developers. That’s the plan. We’ll need to have software to help things run smooth and I’m a software developer currently working in Biotech but I’d like to switch to Sociotech once Irreni Society takes off.
Go go go. In “The Crisis Papers”, Thomas Paine noted that “what we obtain too cheap we esteem to lightly.” Turn that frown around and we can say what you work at the most you value the most. Start your MGO as an independent group. Don’t start your MGO using implementation others build you because that makes you dependent on them and with less effort comes less value. Think of Irreni Society as a blueprint society. We hand out the blueprints. From there everyone ventures off on their own adventure. If one starts thinking of this as a capitalist effort with lots of opportunity to make money then that is not Irreni Society.
There are millions of words to say about Irreni Society recipes. But you don’t need to know all those words to get started. Just start an MGO. In fact, first things first. Start the MGO. Then come back for more recipes.