Welcome to Irreni Society! Join an MGO today! How would you like to go on a quest? I’m Gandalf, you are Bilbo and the quest is to reclaim the Dwarvin home under the mountain along with Thorin’s treasure from the
What Next? Smartphones and Kids, July 11 2024
“Kids Who Get Smartphones Earlier Become Adults With Worse Mental Health”. This is kind of those headline that’s been a running joke forever about ‘duh’ research. We could’ve told you that, it is readily apparent every second of every day.
What Next? July 3, 2024
So this week the US is grappling with the Supreme Court ruling that the President has absolute immunity from criminal charges for “official acts.” What I’m reading by supporters of the decision is that nothing has changed where impeachment and
Christopher Hitchens, Intelligence Squared Opening Remarks

Bee With You Doodle | 02/20/2023

Mademoiselle Doodle | 02/17/2023

You Made Me So Very Happy Doodle | 02/14/2023

Staying For Good Doodle | 02/13/2013

Ooh Child Doodle | 02/10/2023

Practice Makes Perfect Doodle | 02/09/2023