TL;DR Large scale projects require solving all problems simultaneously. Also, climate change is a topic that exposes one of the recurring themes when learning here: your intuition doesn’t scale.
Irreni Society is the very best way to be a climate activist to manage climate change.
Our intuition on a personal level usually serves. If my car breaks down I fix it. I fix it means either I do the work or pay someone else to do the work with money made from hours I worked doing something I’m worth paying for.
Intuition breaks down once things start to scale larger and larger. Intuition betrays us with Earth-scale projects because our intuition is to think like we are fixing a car. The car is broken, I fix it. The Earth is broken, I fix it. The problem with that intuition at scale is that everything is connected and dependent.
Climate change then is only one of many Earth-scale projects of immediate concern. Others include some 3-4% of the world population is expected be emigrating each year by 2030. Another is the amount of land to farm is shrinking from either ongoing farming or warming temperatures. Yet another is that humans need reliable sources of drinking water worldwide. You get the idea. The thigh-bone is connected to the knee-bone is connected to the foot-bone. If you touch one of these Earth-scale projects you impact all the other projects. Our intuition fails us because we intuit that we can solve each project in isolation.
Be a climate activist. To do that you also need to be an “all Earth-scale projects” activist. We have to manage water supply, world emigration, farm land, health care and so on at the same time we manage global temperatures.
Mind blown you say? That’s because your intuition is failing you. Here is some help to get your mind around working on solving multiple interdependent problems.
Step one is simulation. We need to build a massive life-like simulation of planet Earth with as much information as possible. We do this right now in very limited fashion. For example, large projects that impact the environment in the US commonly are obligated to run simulations called environmental impact studies. Of course the impact study is localized to the environmental region impacted, but the idea is the same. An Earth climate simulation will need a massive artificial intelligence engine. So, the first thing we need to do is build out the AI engine. Then we feed the AI the data. Then we run simulations. This is all routine stuff in my world, software engineering.
Again, Earth-scale projects must be worked on simultaneously. Attempts to pull large-scale dependent problems apart so as to solve them individually ignores the fact that all large scale systems are made up of dependent sub-systems. It is only at the very bottom of a stack of large scale dependent systems that one can isolate a sub-system to fix, such as fixing your car. That’s because at the bottom there are no dependencies.
But wait! There’s more! Humans are a part of Earth. If we are accurately going to model Earth we need to model in some fashion all humans on it, especially societal impacts of changed human behavior that may defeat the implementation of the Earth projects. What if people refuse to give up bacon?
In 2022 our social organizations do not scale. Nations cannot agree on Earth project implementations because of petty national jealousies. This means that being a Climate Activist requires adopting Irreni Society and fazing out city-state nations.
Wow. That’s quite a bit to think on. Especially when one considers instant gratification. We’ve been programmed by capitalist society to get what we want now. Or rather immediate products of immediate use sell the easiest and so we are conditioned for instant gratification.
Your journey to start an MGO is your first step to becoming a climate activist. Irreni Society has a recipe for managing Climate Change where step one is we need to run simulations in a life-size simulation of planet Earth first. The next set of recipes will become clear after we start getting results from those simulation experiments. This is not going to happen in today’s society. Existing representative governments are too jealous and too petty to coordinate on Earth-scale efforts. Irreni Society builds on MGOs with future recipes to address Earth projects. But for now just start your MGO to begin the process of being a Climate Activist.