UBI, Universal Basic Income, and MGOs, micro-governing organizations, both extend the life of today’s hierarchy governments by providing necessities for everyone.

While UBI extends the life of today’s governments, it just delays the inevitable demise. MGOs are designed to replace hierarchy by dissolving the government over time until the hierarchy is gone.
UBI does not address the fundamental problem of why governments of hierarchy fail, i.e. runaway corruption. Instead UBI enables that corruption by taking care of a population at some minimum living standard acceptable to the government that the UBI takes place in. The first law of corruption is that corruption never recedes, only stays constant or expands. Eventually any hierarchy will succumb to the corruption.
MGOs are fixed size 30 people governments. If today’s population were 9 billion then that would mean 300 million governments. MGO is a mesh design that withstands corruptions primarily in two ways: fixed groups of small size and millions of them. Additionally they are survival units. They act like spaceships, if you will, that have on hand a years supply of survival resources. This also thwarts corruption by allowing an MGO to withdraw from any corrupt group of MGOs coordinating on projects.
The question is this: should we establish UBI at all? Why not just start with MGO? The answer is definitely yes. The Irreni plan will take 400 years to become fully operational and reach 300 million MGOs to span the globe. This is because culture takes time to change.
MGOs, like UBI, extend the life of hierarchy governments and can be destiny. When faced with imminent failure or depending on UBI and MGOs, then existing governments will choose them both. UBI can meet immediate needs. MGOs will take years to build out. The Irreni plan needs existing governments to continue for the next 400 years, even as they are dissolved.
The US is too big to fail. When it fails it will cause catastrophic suffering world-wide. The world needs the US to continue as long as possible until it is intelligently replaced. UBI will extend the life of the US and additional governments world-wide. This will give MGOs time to be built and eventually supplant existing governments.