This article is intended for anyone interested in joining an MGO and wondering how the economy works once the MGO joins Irreni.

The Economy of Irreni is a difficult to write about because the economy includes everything.

In order to keep this short and a summary this will be a very rough sketch.

First the economy is like Star Trek where currency is no longer needed. Irreni Society has no ban on currency per se. Instead Irreni Society depends on direct payment of goods. This is possible because there are no taxes in Irreni Society because Irreni is not a government system, Irreni is a project system.

The project system manufactures goods and provids services. A project contract can be written for any effort that may require two or more MGOs. A project is a contract that specifies the purpose of the project, who is involved, and the lifetime of the project. A project also specifies where the goods and services are distributed. Projects are required to have a limited lifetime because all projects are experiments. Projects can be sustaining where the project is renewed on a regular basis.

All projects are experiments. Projects must have a hypothesis and the success or failure of the project tracked over the lifetime of the project. The Terran Sea Otter Academy (TSOA) is responsible for recording the results of all projects.

Project contracts are not enforced by law. Instead project contracts are viewed as experiments. For example, lets say a project has resources that are robbed. That project is recorded as failed. The history of projects is used to inform how new project contracts are written. New safety and security protocols can be provided for future similar projects to help promote a successful experiment, a successful project.

What happens to the robbers? Well, that depends on the social context and the MGOs. Remember MGOs are sovereign. MGOs are responsible for punishing crimes committed by their members. If an entire MGO orchestrates a crime then they may be subject to the one power Irreni management has over all MGOs: membership. This may include dissolving the MGO and re-assign all their members in other MGOs. Of course any MGO can withdraw from Irreni management at any time. If an MGO withdraws from Irreni then they withdraw from the Irreni economy.

It is important to realize with Irreni Society that the society is viewed as a perpetual experiment. Everyone is monitored for quality of life. Everyone uses a device of loving life (DOLL) to check in daily and provide data about food eaten and so on. The DOLL also provides direct reporting where members can reach out to their sponsors and report injury.

The MGO is the unit of hire and the atomic unit of experiment. When an MGO is hired for a contract then three people are employed. The MGO is also required to provide three people for TSOA to record the work. MGOs rotate who fills these roles. People are not specifically hired for the TSOA or project contracts, only MGOs. As long as an MGO fulfills a contract within the time allotted then it is up to the MGO to manage its people and resources provided for project and TSOA work.

The TSOA equal numbers of people assigned to the TSOA as to projects. This is by design. Monitoring projects uses on the order the same of resources as projects themselves. Arguably this may be insufficient. Today in large organizations such as the US military it is not uncommon for people providing support and logistics to outnumber the workers by two-to-three times. However, a one-to-one correspondence is sufficient here because the MGO manages all support except monitoring the project as an experiment.

In addition to recording project results the TSOA also runs the world AI. The world runs simulations required for designing projects. Simulations are much like environmental impact studies. Projects will have expected results. This is how crime is managed. Losses due to criminality are recorded. Projects that have a significant risk of crime may require simulation to improve odds of success.

Hopefully you are getting the impression by now that Irreni Society is not a consumer society, but an experiment society. Irreni Society is perpetually looking to optimize predictions. Consumer societies perpetually overuse resources inefficiently to maximize profits.

MGOs are required to provide a year’s supply of food, water and energy prior to joining Irreni. Irreni Society then provides sustaining food, water and energy to all its members independent of the project and TSOA work contributed by that MGO. Think of this as universal basic survival.

Today the Earth has enough food, water and energy easily and cheaply feed and house everyone on Earth. This is not accomplished because capitalism and government are not dedicated to quality of life of its members. Irreni Society is dedicated to the quality of life of all its members. Irreni has one ideology: Life goes on. Life is not just existence but also opportunity for quality. The opportunity for quality is the purpose of projects being experiments.

The economy then employs one-tenth of the human population, or three out of an MGO size thirty. Another third is dedicated to the TSOA who among other things run the world AI and provide simulations for projects. The other twenty-four people in the MGO run the MGO.

Irreni Society is not a rule of law system. Irreni Society is efficacy of experiment society. Experiments are constantly being refined. An equal amount of resources are allocated to recording and simulating experiments as is used to run proven, effective projects. Irreni Society supports indefinite time-span projects such as managing Earths environment by renewing contracts that are short term. These short terms provide feedback to continuously improve the next iteration of the renewed project.

Alright, so we have projects that are experiments. The projects provide goods and services. How are MGOs paid? Directly. When an MGO signs on to a project they are allocated part of the goods and services. The project contract is not limited to providing only the goods and services of the project being implemented but any other ongoing project. This way MGOs have access to goods and services of all projects.

Law is replaced by experiment. A legal system is purports to control behavior by punishment. An experimental system purports to control social behavior with inducements. For example, project contracts may opt to exclude specific MGOs from receiving their goods and services. For example, say you like bacon. Your MGO joins a project to provide maintenance on a river dam. In that project your MGO specifies it wants payment in part in bacon. However, the bacon projects all deny your MGO any of its goods because of bad behavior attributed to your MGO.

Now, this may not seem sufficient to those who only know the crime-and-punishment model. Rule of law relies on prison and punishment. Since the 1970s we have known that positive reinforcement is more effective than negative reinforcement. Irreni relies on positive reinforcement by giving out treats, goods that go beyond survival.

Irreni economy relies on continually improving experiment designs to improve efficacy. This economy relies on measuring and testing all project experiments for human behavior. Experiments that successfully improve the human condition are favored. Irreni Society doesn’t rely on punishment to deter. It relies on studying human behavior to incrementally improve human behavior by experiment. Irreni Society will have far better results at minimizing rape, murder and other crimes than any punishment system that ignores the people who commit bad behavior by throwing them in prison.

Irreni Society provides all MGOs survival levels of food, water, and energy regardless of project and TSOA work. Quality of life goods are services are earned by terms of projects that provide goods and services directly without need of currency.

So are currency and capitalism banned? No. But realize currency and capitalism are inefficient.

Capitalism is also an experimental system. We call these experiments innovations. However, these experiments are not treated as experiments. Results are not recorded except in a business sense of making a profit or not. This is a very crude and stupid way to run experiments. The only reason capitalism is what it is today is that capitalism is our worst first attempt at continuous experiments. It is the worst because experiments are never recorded and measured for any outcome except profit, environment be damned. Experiments are not required to be simulated first where needed. Experiments are not treated as experiments. Experiments either provide profits or they don’t. That is as crude as it gets and no cruder measurement exists than profit alone.

The United States is an ongoing experiment. Unfortunately those that recognize it is an experiment only talk in drastic terms: the experiment continuing or failing. Today we are not continually improving and redesigning the experiment.

Irreni Society is a new continuous experiment governing system. The US system is very difficult to change. The Irreni system is constantly changing to realize incremental improvements. The Irreni system is designed to have millions of projects of designated lifetimes running in parallel. The US constitution is a single project of open-ended lifetime until it completely fails.

However, there is nothing prohibiting capitalism experiments from being run within Irreni. This means currency used by capitalism systems would also be used. That’s not likely though. After a few centuries of running capitalism it is well established that markets converge on monopoly and stagnating innovation.

Currency does not have to be tied to capitalism or taxes. Currency is just a promise to be fulfilled later. In common day experience this is often called “a favor”. Favors are currency. Votes are also currency.

Votes are heavily used currency in Irreni Society. As part of experiment design every projected is voted upon by MGOs as to whether the project should be implemented. The bigger the project the more MGOs are needed to vote on it. The number of votes required is directly tied to the number of MGOs required to implement that project.

This system reflects that innovations should start at a small scale because innovations have the highest degrees of risk. In Irreni Society it would be vary rare to have a large scale project introduce innovation. Innovations must be proven at ever larger scales in order before getting to a global project scale.

How are parallel projects managed? They are managed in part by the world AI. The world AI tracks all known resources and accounts for them across all projects. Simulations can incorporate as many of the world resources that make sense for a simulation. Global scale projects could require running simulations of all resources.

Constantly monitoring all resources in the world is how food, water, and energy required for ongoing survival of all MGOs are set aside.

Like Star Trek, currency and taxes don’t exist in general in Irreni Society. This is because currency and taxes are required for capitalism and hierarchical government. Irreni Society is flat society that has no need of capitalism or currency for taxes. However, if some experiment shows that capitalism can compete with direct payment of goods by projects then capitalism would be incorporated into Irreni Society. That will never be the case, though, because capitalism is primarily a hoarding system and hoarding profits is inefficient for an ideology of “Life goes on.”

The Economy then is an experimental economy where successful experiments called projects provide direct payment of goods and services to MGOs. Unsuccessful projects are used to inform future project designs. Survival resources are guaranteed and left out of the experimental resources.