Every MGO will have a dedicated artificial intelligence (AI). When thinking about joining an MGO one needs to understand the role AI will play in MGO life.
Each MGO will have a constitution providing rules and regulations for that MGO. This constitution then becomes the foundation for the MGOs AI. The MGOs AI is primarily concerned with implementing the constitution and subsequent plans and processes within the MGO.
In addition to providing support for the MGO’s constitution, the MGO AI will also provide support for meeting Irreni management requirements. MGOs are expected to withdraw from Irreni management from time-to-time over conflicts. MGOs have the power to do so because it is required to have on-hand one year’s supply of food, water, and power. The Irreni management organization is not a government nor is it a business. There is no penalty for withdrawing other than losing those benefits Irreni management confers.
One of the benefits Irreni management confers is access to the world AI. The world AI is primarily responsible for modeling the world and running simulations, especially for world projects like managing climate change.
The MGO AI manages world information via a fancy pants idea called, “The Cold Network.” The MGO AI and the world AI are in constant communication about real-time information. The MGO AI establishes the cold network. This cold network is called cold because it is real-time information that is delayed in order to meet the MGOs constitutional mandates.
For example, let’s say an MGO was bans all violent and sexual images as defined by the MGO. The MGO AI will need time to censor this information. These images may just be blocked. They may also be blurred or perhaps classified by content and textual summary given. Every MGO is going to want to manage information as it sees fit for mental health, religious, and many other reasons.
The MGO AI will also provide permanent storage implementation of real-time information per MGO policies. For example, one can imagine that all MGOs today might download all of the content of Wikipedia on day one. After that the MGO can choose to only make their own edits or program the MGO AI to trust certain sources.
The MGO AI provides the computing expertise to common person who is unfamiliar with programming computers directly by writing code.
Managing information for educational and quality-of-life is a key benefit to MGOs over today’s non-MGO societies. The cold network is a trade-off of delaying real-time information for the health of the community. Information is shaped by the MGO AI that adheres to the MGO constitution.
In 2024 an MGO AI does not yet exist. Creating MGO AIs will be a mandate of Irreni management. However, there is no obligation to use an Irreni management MGO AI. One can simply start with the one provided by Irreni and then acquire a different one from literally anywhere else.
Hopefully one is starting to get the impression that an MGO is analogous to a starship in a Star Trek TV series. Irreni Society can be thought of as a fleet of starships. These starships are self-contained survival societies that are designed to work as part of a fleet. So it is with MGOs. MGOs are designed to be survival societies designed to part of a fleet. The MGO has an AI. The fleet has an AI. The fleet is coordinated in part but not in whole by Irreni management.