Disinformation is a hot topic in 2025. After the last election CNN and MSNBC have seen large drops in audience due to a lack of trust. Fox news paid 100’s of millions in fines for lying and yet polling shows the most trusted cable news network is Fox News.

What can we do? Start an MGO, obviously.
MGOs have defenses against information warfare that include things like the cold browser and cybersecurity router to name just two.
In this essay we focus on the cold browser.
The cold browser is new technology where cold browsers view only cold storage data files on a air-gap, local network. The cold browser has no internet networking capability. Instead the cold browser is designed to only load cold storage data. These cold storage data files must use a protocol of protection. The cold data must be “hung” like a side of beef for 24-72 hours. Being “hung” in this case requires an in-house MGO AI program to scrub the cold data for 24-72 hours. This is more than just an anti-virus checker that works real-time today. This AI program has 24-72 hours to compute safety measures. This means viruses and memes. Allocation of attention to things like the coronavirus, for example, would include a throttle on the overall number of stories where frequency of news alone can create panic. Cold browsing is designed to provide an information quarantine that we do not have today. The protocol for self-quarantine would involve turning of the hot network and falling back upon cold browsing alone. Banking and other life essential data would have cold data storage files that can be transmitted. Trusted sources such as banking would only need 24 hours to hang where news would require 72 hours.
MGOs focus attention by having an in-house AI that is commissioned to first and foremost provide constitution management. Every MGO has a constitution of their own making. This constitution is then the foundation of the in-house AI. All subsequent policies are also fed into the in-house AI. The in-house AI is on the cold network.
The combination of the air-gap, in-house AI curating cold data storage files over 24-72 hours of process and the in-house AI filtering the data using both the MGO constitution and MGO policies then manages disinformation. How does the air-gap, in-house AI get new data? New data is collected from hot network, what we think of as the internet today, and then carted to the cold storage daily. In addition, MGOs can share cold data files as input the same as with hot network data. Hot network data is presumed to have a fairly high noise-to-signal ratio where as trusted neighboring MGOs could have much a much higher signal ratio. In fact, there will be a market selling highly trusted data for a profit.
MGO life is all about focusing attention to things that matter. Disinformation is the exact opposite.