Irreni Society is complex and something no one person will ever understand. I’m writing this bit of research content because the founders of the United States left the exact opposite impression where governing people can be and should be understood by each person by simply reading the US Constitution or the Bill of Rights. This article dispels this notion.
The thesis of this rest of this article is convince you that you are not as an individual capable of understanding the complexity of managing nine-billion people as well as the environment of planet Earth.
The key to this is to understand the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle:
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle states that there is inherent uncertainty in the act of measuring a variable of a particle. Commonly applied to the position and momentum of a particle, the principle states that the more precisely the position is known the more uncertain the momentum is and vice versa.
Simply stated measuring atomic particles requires the use of other atomic particles that interfere with the measurement.
This means there is an upper bound on the accuracy of any simulation; the simulation cannot impact reality significantly. A simulation can only be as accurate in its prediction at the limit of the simulations impact on reality being negligible.
Today we spend billions of dollars on simulations. Further we corrupt the real word to make these simulations approximate 100% accuracy if possible. These simulations are the financial markets picking stocks based upon information that is projected into the future. Cheating is done by rigging the real world using the legal system, insider trading, and so on so as to ensure predictions are near 100% accurate. Capitalism is cheating simulation.
The final result of a cheating simulation is authoritarian dystopian society. This is because increasing accuracy requires decreasing freedom so as to impose uniformity.
- A simulation that is 100% correct becomes that reality and therefore not simulating the reality.
- Simulation is defined then as predictions that cannot measure the impact of its own simulation running on reality..
- Corrupt simulation is defined as running a simulation that controls reality and that control can be observed by the simulation.
- These rules apply to computing and minds.
These simulation rules are why the rights determined by law as we view them in 2024 are problematic. Take for example free speech. The definition of free speech comes from running simulations. In order to impose free speech then speech has to be controlled, thus corrupting free speech. You’ll sometimes hear this as a debate between absolute free speech and censoring speech that harms people.
Think of a video game. Video games have “characters” called “NPCs” or non-player characters. NPCs are just deterministic programs. Typically NPCs have one function like to give a quest. These NPCs are deterministic or 100% predictable. The end-game of a capitalist society is to turn its population into NPCs so as to ensure 100% predictions.
Knowing this is how simulation works one can easily make future predictions about our existing American society.
- Universal Basic Income will happen. The best way to control the labor market is to control the labor market. That means to bench people, or sideline them, until they can be slotted into a necessary function.
- Comfortable living will happen. Poverty will be dispelled by ensuring cradle-to-grave everyone has housing, food, and entertainment at some hollow level.
- Education will be market dependent. The best way to keep people content is to keep them uneducated except to the extent the comfortable living dictates. This is also predicted in the movie, “The Matrix”, where people are living in pods and their minds occupied by software.
- People’s brains will become more valuable to computing than for labor. People will get paid to plug into a matrix-like environment where their consciousness will be made available to computing.
At some point simulation interferes with reality and makes reality. When that happens simulation is no longer simulation.
This means that simulation has an upper bound on its capability to predict and not be part of that equation. That upper bound is that the simulation cannot interfere with reality as part of the simulation.
This means that any person or artificial intelligence that desires a simulation accuracy greater than is possible without interfering and controlling reality must pervert, corrupt and control reality in order to make ever improving predictions.
A simulation then can only consume an upper-limit of resources before that simulation perverts the system being simulated.
Capitalism today is spending too much on simulation resources in order to be reality and not predict it. Capitalism is perverting reality and controlling reality in order to make its simulation predictions 100% accurate. As this trend continues then capitalism will create hell on Earth.
Irreni Society is based upon simulation the same as capitalism is today. However, Irreni Society relies on responsible simulation. Responsible simulation doesn’t interfere with it’s observed environment the same as a ray of light doesn’t interfere with a human when a picture is taken to create a simulation, the photograph.
This is why MGOs being sovereign is a requirement in Irreni. MGOs withdrawing from projects is a check on corrupt and controlling simulation. MGOs are free actors. MGOs being sovereign can engage in a society modeled by simulation to the extent the simulation isn’t perceived as being controlling.
We need to spend our simulation resources more wisely. Irreni eliminates financial markets and replaces them with Earth simulation. All the money and computing power currently used to predict financial markets will be used to create exact simulations of Earth in cyberspace. These simulations will enable climate change simulations to be run. These simulations will allow us to manage the Earth’s climate. Something we can’t do today because simulations run by the financial markets are aimed at increasing profits and not environment outcomes. Environmental simulations will always receive table scraps in today’s capitalism environment.
Irreni will reduce the cost of simulation by means of people living in simulation part time. Irreni relies on an invention called the VERY (Virtual Earth, Reality You). The rules of the VERY are simple. The VERY is an exact replica of Earth with only one copy of every person as they exist in the real world. People participate in the VERY as little or as much as desired or needed. When people participate in the simulation then simulation observation costs of just the real components costs are reduced. In other words, the VERY is a place with simulation controls the environment to isolate real world components.
Managing billions of people and all of planet Earth is complex. More complex than a Bill of Rights stating Freedom of Speech. The simulation resources being spent today in the financial markets is for the benefit of the very few and not everyone. Simulation must be limited so as to not interfere with the observed and for everyone’s benefit, not the few. This creates a clear separation between projects and the simulation used to inform the project.
Complexity then is managed and understood by simulation and simulation predictions are limited in their accuracy.
Life is a feedback loop. Every event is an observation and every observation is an event.